Commercial Building & Garage Restoration

Durable Weather-Resistant Roofing Solutions

TMS Commercial Roofing Services

Houston Commercial Building & Garage Restoration

The natural wear and aging of your building are unavoidable realities. Nevertheless, through diligent maintenance, you can prolong the lifespan of your facility’s outer structure. TMS Roofing excels in comprehensive building restoration techniques and innovative solutions, offering you a seasoned, all-encompassing strategy to cleanse, rejuvenate, and secure the entirety of your building’s envelope.

Whether you’re contending with deteriorating masonry, compromised joint sealants leading to water seepage, or the need to replace flawed bricks or stones, TMS Roofing possesses the proficiency to halt water infiltration, revive your masonry, and contribute to the complete restoration of your building’s original magnificence.

  1. External Structural Cleansing

  2. External Rehabilitation and Revitalization Solutions

  3. Commercial Building Courtyard Platform Solutions

Call For a Quote:

(713) 545-7801